This is the main search algorithm people use.
Binary search works by taking in a sorted array, then comparing the value you’re looking for to the midpoint of the array. This will tell you on which half of the array the value is located. You then repeat the search only on that half, until you find the target.

General process
- Take in a sorted array,
, and a search target x
- Calculate the midpoint of the array,
- Compare
to mid
- If
x > mid
, x is on the right half of the remaining values.
- Repeat the search, starting at the right half.
- If
x < mid
, x is on the left half.
- Repeat the search, ending after the left half.
- If
x = mid
, you found the target. Return it.
Implementation: This is an iterative implementation of binary search.

- Take in a sorted array,
, and a search target, x
- Set the start and end points of the next search,
and high
- Calculate the new midpoint,
, from low and high (4).
- This is the midpoint of your next search range, not the entire array.
- Compare the midpoint’s value to your search value (7).
- If the search value is higher, it’ll be on the right half. Make the next search start after the midpoint (
low = mid + 1
) (8-9).
- If the search value is lower, it’ll be on the left half. Make the next search end before the midpoint (
high = mid - 1
) (10-11).
- If the search value is equal to the midpoint, the midpoint is the value you were searching for. Return it’s index. (13)
- Repeat the searches until the start and end points of the search overlap (6). This means you’ve searched the entire array.